How to Change Channels of Snap Installed Package

This maybe surprising for many people, as I don’t like much ubuntu, as you all talk to me on many forums and open source project, you always see me to refer user to fedora, and flatpak.. but for my work now, I’m confined in ubuntu, and snap.. so I tried to just brush it away……… Continue reading How to Change Channels of Snap Installed Package

Core 2 Duo CPU : Di tahun 2022 – Bisa buat apa?

Sesuai judulnya, post kali ini agak sedikit mengarah melakukan refleksi. Ya, refleksi dan melihat kembali. Kenapa? karena kebetulan di lab tempat saya bekerja, ada komputer mangkrak milik program studi(prodi) yang dulu digunakan sebagai server utama untuk meng-host aplikasi jurusan yang berbasis web (PHP). Selain itu saya ter inspirasi dengan posting blogger lain nya yaitu Tahun…… Continue reading Core 2 Duo CPU : Di tahun 2022 – Bisa buat apa?

Melakukan Query info pada Package di Ubuntu

Saya adalah pengguna setia *EL(enterprise linux) derivative, dan sangat senang menggunakan dnf ataupun yum sebagai package manager, karena powerful, simple, dan mudah di tebak. Tetapi di kampus, tidak semua server yang ada baik di lab maupun di server farm, menggunakan Red Hat derivative, bahkan seringkali menggunakan debian based, sebut saja Ubuntu. Package manager apt di…… Continue reading Melakukan Query info pada Package di Ubuntu

Windows Error 0x8007002c, Repair Install, phpDox, and Trello

It’s been a rough month for me, to be honest, I’ve planned many things but many of them done after the due date, it’s quite made me stress and feels want to sleep during the day to stop the pain inside my head. Last week I’m having a mid-term exam, it’s done and I hope…… Continue reading Windows Error 0x8007002c, Repair Install, phpDox, and Trello

M$, Termux, Nginx, Ubuntu Server, VMWare, ChromeOS : Computation become very-very insteresting

Last time, about 2 years ago, I dream about moving my entire computer to my ASUS Fonepad 8 Tablet because I like the way it works because it’s tiny 8 inch tablet that based on Intel Atom mobile processor and I want a very simple computer(Tablet is also considered as a Computer, it do compute…… Continue reading M$, Termux, Nginx, Ubuntu Server, VMWare, ChromeOS : Computation become very-very insteresting