Category: Tutorial
Fix Fedora WPS Office Linux Error Export PDF
Today I face problem with my libreoffice for propiertary .docx file, where I need to able to edit and export as the same as MS Word able to show. Sadly, I need to reinstall WPS Office in my Fedora work laptop. I face problem when exporting the .docx into pdf, it show message “wps writer…
XArchiver Drag and Drop Fix with Thunar in Fedora 41
Just for reminder, this post is only categorized as note, the work was done by Ingo Brückl himself. I just happy and want to share this to everyone. Archive manager in Linux comes in many type of instance, from lxqt, peazip, file-roller, engrampa, and lastly XArchiver. lxqt archive manager does support the feature of drag…
Building Newer Spotify LPF Package when Newer Package Hasn’t landed Yet in Fedora
LPF (Local Package Factory) is a great tool that really help in repackaging the apps that aren’t allowed to be redistributed as binary directly, and one of the case is closed source application, Spotify. I come across a question that I already have an old version of Spotify client, and I tried to upgrade it…
Run Shell Script without sudo and with special bit permission using suid-wrapper
We always remember chmod u+s or special permission bit on an executable means when we run the executable it will run as the owner of the executable (read this). There are a problem with it, it will WORK IF it’s a BINARY EXECUTABLE, NOT SHELL SCRIPT! Then how to make shell script behave the same…
Stop Windows VM CPU usage while paused on QEMU Linux
I have a simple problem that I always face when using qemu on Linux with Windows VM. When it’s paused, the CPU usage kept racking up for no reason… Until… I found this thread on linux question So in simple term, we can pause the CPU usage on the qemu process after pausing the…
Membuat Mirror Local Fedora Repo dan mengarahkan Fedora menggunakan Mirror Local Tersebut
Mirror local fedora di Indonesia hanya ada 1, yaitu di, sangat sedih karena angkasa mirror memutuskan untuk memberhentikan support untuk fedora. Saya di kantor, memiliki fleet server fedora, untuk keperluan lab (uhuk, saya dosen, tapi kerja jadi apapun di kampus :/ jadi kaktus, jadi tukang bersih-bersih, ada ajalah..), yang berfungsi untuk production docker swarm…
Cisco Paket Tracer di Fedora, Red Hat, Almalinux, dan Rocky Linux
Cisco Paket Tracer adalah semua alat simulator network berbasiskan pada vendor Cisco. Seringkali, bagi para pengguna di Indonesia, mereka hanya tahu opsi instalasi hanya berupa paket tracer debian/deb based. Hal ini dikarenakan Netacad/Cisco Network Academy tidak menyediakan paket instalasi Packet Tracer untuk turnan dari Red Hat yang berbasiskan kepada RPM. Tapi hal ini bisa di…
How to Change Outlook 2016/2019/365 Desktop Calendar Download Interval
The Problem So long story short, I’m quite frustrated with Mail & Calendar from Windows 10 UWP/WinUI. Why? Well, I’m running it on old 2nd gen Intel CPU, sandy bridge, and it’s just lag when I want to compose a new mail, and it will freeze about 2-3min until it’s ready, and it will happen…
Memaksimalkan Shortcut Key Win +
di Windows : Tabbing, Restore, dan Minimize dengan 7+TaskbarNumberer Pekerjaan sehari-hari yang memanfaatkan komputer semakin hari semakin banyak, dan bisa dikatakan setiap orang pasti membuka komputer untuk menjalankan program lebih dari 1 aplikasi di saat bersamaan, entah membuka music player seperti spotify atau dopamine, sambil membuka word processing application seperti Word 365. Untuk berpindah antar aplikasi seringkali orang akan memanfaatkan shortcut alt+tab. Terkadang penggunaan…
Windows CLI powercfg /batteryreport : tools untuk melihat efektifitas baterai
Di post sebelumnya, saya telah membahas cara melakukan penghematan power draw dari baterai laptop dengan melakukan disable hardware acceleration pada web browser dengan catatan web browser hanya digunakan untuk light web browsing saja. Mungkin muncul pertanyaan, bagaiman bisa melakukan measure/menilai ke-efektifkan dari disabling HW Acceleration ini? Kita bisa test dengan melihat report battery dari powercfg.…