Podman Compose Error when resolve instance hostname in same pod on RHEL 8.8 : Change the network_backend

So, this is another story or experience that I gain when I wrote my last piece of exercise in University Lab. I have subset of running container compose in Internet Server Administration courses, and one of my assistant told me that podman-compose on nginx-golang (one of the container set up from https://github.com/docker/awesome-compose/tree/master/nginx-golang for learning proxy),…… Continue reading Podman Compose Error when resolve instance hostname in same pod on RHEL 8.8 : Change the network_backend

Install Driver Canon IP2870S di Fedora Linux 38

Ini hanya catatan sederhana saja, untuk instalasi Driver Canon IP2870S atau seri IP2800 apapun. Saya catat karena di website Canon resmi untuk IP2870S tidak menyediakan Versi Linux, tapi ada Driver Linux IP2800. Singkatnya download paket tar.gz driver dari Web Canon, untuk Debian bisa di download di https://id.canon/en/support/0100586502 (bonus saja, judulnya fedora). Untuk Fedora bisa download…… Continue reading Install Driver Canon IP2870S di Fedora Linux 38

DNS in systemd land using resolvectl : Temporary set, get, status, and clear cache

This is a pretty simple post/notes from my experience with DNS on linux using Fedora/EL based or any systemd-resolved based DNS client. With windows, we have ipconfig command to control the cache of the dns also netsh command to control IP. Most of the time, we can clean the cache just using ipconfig /flushdns, but…… Continue reading DNS in systemd land using resolvectl : Temporary set, get, status, and clear cache

FSearch : Everything Voidtools Alternative for Linux

I have been looking for a while, a tools to search files and folders on Linux that is fast and low consumption in CPU like everything from Voidtools in MS Windows. If you wonder what is everything voidtools, you can read it here (you can use google translate for it, as It is written in…… Continue reading FSearch : Everything Voidtools Alternative for Linux

Fixing Booting Problem with Kernel 6.2.x on Fedora with Thinkpad X220

Long story short, this is just a simple notes that I will write for myself. My Thinkpad X220, has been using Fedora since 2021 with kernel 5.x.x, but since 3 days ago (29 April 2023), I got a problem, where I can’t even boot with new kernel, because soft lock CPU. Fortunately, there are still…… Continue reading Fixing Booting Problem with Kernel 6.2.x on Fedora with Thinkpad X220

Trying dnf5 via copr on Fedora 36, 37, and 38. The newest dnf package manager that will land on Fedora 39

So, dnf4 will be replaced with dnf5 but not with python as the underlaying language, but using C++ as the underlying language. Python is well known for it’s easiness, but not as the performance when working on OS layer (some argue not, but majority of the code on C++ is faster, as it’s compiled, not…… Continue reading Trying dnf5 via copr on Fedora 36, 37, and 38. The newest dnf package manager that will land on Fedora 39

Stop Windows VM CPU usage while paused on QEMU Linux

I have a simple problem that I always face when using qemu on Linux with Windows VM. When it’s paused, the CPU usage kept racking up for no reason… Until… I found this thread on linux question https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-virtualization-and-cloud-90/best-way-to-pause-kvm-qemu-windows-guest-4175549274/. So in simple term, we can pause the CPU usage on the qemu process after pausing the…… Continue reading Stop Windows VM CPU usage while paused on QEMU Linux

Membuat Mirror Local Fedora Repo dan mengarahkan Fedora menggunakan Mirror Local Tersebut

Mirror local fedora di Indonesia hanya ada 1, yaitu di https://fedora.mirror.angkasa.id/, sangat sedih karena angkasa mirror memutuskan untuk memberhentikan support untuk fedora. Saya di kantor, memiliki fleet server fedora, untuk keperluan lab (uhuk, saya dosen, tapi kerja jadi apapun di kampus :/ jadi kaktus, jadi tukang bersih-bersih, ada ajalah..), yang berfungsi untuk production docker swarm…… Continue reading Membuat Mirror Local Fedora Repo dan mengarahkan Fedora menggunakan Mirror Local Tersebut

Cek IP Publik Melalui Router Mikrotik dengan ipinfo.io

Jadi, ketika melakukan konfigurasi NAT menggunakan router mikrotik, saya selalu mengalami kesulitan untuk melakukan pengecekan IP public dari mikrotik router itu langsung, tanpa menggunakan end device. Biasanya, saya akan melakukan curl https://ipinfo.io melalui terminal bash di linux ataupun di cmd windows (sekarang curl sudah built in di windows sejak windows 10). Salah satu mentor saya…… Continue reading Cek IP Publik Melalui Router Mikrotik dengan ipinfo.io