Category: Blogs
Running Mautic CRM Automation using PHP Docker with Buildah or Dockerfile
This post is only a notes on how to build a Dockerfile or PHP Docker Image for Mautic 5.x+ CRM Automation. The base image that’s used is, which has no pdo, mysql, zip, intl, and imap. Mautic installation depends on those php extension, and the base php apache image doesn’t have it. To build…
How to Get Wifi Signal Strength via CLI using nmcli on Fedora or Ubuntu
I have been tinkering with my old ASUS A43SV as my home server that serve several services that I have and host on ( and This server use a special layer 2 network emulation with ZeroTier as it’s backend and I’m expose it to the internet (for my personal hoby). The problem is sometimes…
Run Shell Script without sudo and with special bit permission using suid-wrapper
We always remember chmod u+s or special permission bit on an executable means when we run the executable it will run as the owner of the executable (read this). There are a problem with it, it will WORK IF it’s a BINARY EXECUTABLE, NOT SHELL SCRIPT! Then how to make shell script behave the same…
How to Run PostgreSQL as portable executable without installing in Windows
This is probably just another notes that I wrote, because I don’t think everyone will need this, but if anyone need this, I think this will be helpful. So, long story short, I don’t want to install another database service in my Windows Dev Box (on my ASUS A43SV), like I did with MySQL 8…
DNS in systemd land using resolvectl : Temporary set, get, status, and clear cache
This is a pretty simple post/notes from my experience with DNS on linux using Fedora/EL based or any systemd-resolved based DNS client. With windows, we have ipconfig command to control the cache of the dns also netsh command to control IP. Most of the time, we can clean the cache just using ipconfig /flushdns, but…
FSearch : Everything Voidtools Alternative for Linux
I have been looking for a while, a tools to search files and folders on Linux that is fast and low consumption in CPU like everything from Voidtools in MS Windows. If you wonder what is everything voidtools, you can read it here (you can use google translate for it, as It is written in…
Trying dnf5 via copr on Fedora 36, 37, and 38. The newest dnf package manager that will land on Fedora 39
So, dnf4 will be replaced with dnf5 but not with python as the underlaying language, but using C++ as the underlying language. Python is well known for it’s easiness, but not as the performance when working on OS layer (some argue not, but majority of the code on C++ is faster, as it’s compiled, not…
Membuat Mirror Local Fedora Repo dan mengarahkan Fedora menggunakan Mirror Local Tersebut
Mirror local fedora di Indonesia hanya ada 1, yaitu di, sangat sedih karena angkasa mirror memutuskan untuk memberhentikan support untuk fedora. Saya di kantor, memiliki fleet server fedora, untuk keperluan lab (uhuk, saya dosen, tapi kerja jadi apapun di kampus :/ jadi kaktus, jadi tukang bersih-bersih, ada ajalah..), yang berfungsi untuk production docker swarm…
Cisco Paket Tracer di Fedora, Red Hat, Almalinux, dan Rocky Linux
Cisco Paket Tracer adalah semua alat simulator network berbasiskan pada vendor Cisco. Seringkali, bagi para pengguna di Indonesia, mereka hanya tahu opsi instalasi hanya berupa paket tracer debian/deb based. Hal ini dikarenakan Netacad/Cisco Network Academy tidak menyediakan paket instalasi Packet Tracer untuk turnan dari Red Hat yang berbasiskan kepada RPM. Tapi hal ini bisa di…
Core 2 Duo CPU : Di tahun 2022 – Bisa buat apa?
Sesuai judulnya, post kali ini agak sedikit mengarah melakukan refleksi. Ya, refleksi dan melihat kembali. Kenapa? karena kebetulan di lab tempat saya bekerja, ada komputer mangkrak milik program studi(prodi) yang dulu digunakan sebagai server utama untuk meng-host aplikasi jurusan yang berbasis web (PHP). Selain itu saya ter inspirasi dengan posting blogger lain nya yaitu Tahun…