Author: ben
2020 : New Year, New Resolution, and New Goals
Tahun 2019 menjadi tahun yang berat bagi saya pribadi. Pertama, saya berjuang untuk lulus dari Kampus saya, ISTTS, dengan tugas akhir yang sudah molor sejak bulan Oktober 2018 hingga Mei 2019, kedua saya berjuang untuk kantor saya bangun bersama kakak tingkat atas saya di jurusan SIB ISTTS dimana banyak proyek yang molor dan mengalami masalah…
CentOS (Community ENTerprise Operating System)
Halo,kembali lagi dengan saya Benyamin.Hari ini saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana cara melakukan instalasi CENTOS(CEnterpise Operating System) pada komputer anda masing-masing. CENTOS adalah sebuah distribusi Linux, yang merupakan turunan dari RHEL(Red Hat Enterprise Linux), yang dibagikan secara gratis alias free,tetapitanpadukungankorporasi(dukungandari Red Hat)ketika ada masalah dengan CENTOS, melainkan melalui dukungan komunitas di atau pada IRC freenode…
Move to Windows 10 and Moving to M$ World
Windows 10 is a great operating system, some for developer like me, with bunch new tools like natively support docker without having an help from Oracle Virtual Box like old days, with new fresh features, like emails, syncing between computer even the new clipboard can be sync between two computer simultaneously without any problems. But…
Past Six Months : Working Hard, Playing Hard, Planning Hard
It’s about six months, since I’m writting my blog. So long, until I can’t remember it. But for now, I could recall that I’m very stress about my project, my life, and my hosting (Hosting , wtf is wrong with it). For my project, it’s end well, the team grow and become powerful. My own…
Switching from Free Hosting to VPS or Shared Hosting and Project Problem…
For a couple months, I really stuck with some problem in my head. I dive to server administration about half a year for now. It’s great (I’ve 2 Server, linux and windows on local computer inside VMWare), but the problem is when I want to host it to the cloud, I only have option to…
Bawa Laptop OS Bajakan ke Luar Negeri, Kena Razia Ga?
Quite interesting. Never though about it. I’ve original software so far but seems BSA really not working on this case -_-
Windows Error 0x8007002c, Repair Install, phpDox, and Trello
It’s been a rough month for me, to be honest, I’ve planned many things but many of them done after the due date, it’s quite made me stress and feels want to sleep during the day to stop the pain inside my head. Last week I’m having a mid-term exam, it’s done and I hope…
M$, Termux, Nginx, Ubuntu Server, VMWare, ChromeOS : Computation become very-very insteresting
Last time, about 2 years ago, I dream about moving my entire computer to my ASUS Fonepad 8 Tablet because I like the way it works because it’s tiny 8 inch tablet that based on Intel Atom mobile processor and I want a very simple computer(Tablet is also considered as a Computer, it do compute…
Long Long Semester : A Journey of Working Hard, Such Problem and Project
Ah.. it’s been a while, I never post anything on my blog except my unversity homework, project or such.. Yep, I done so much things in this semester, outside project, I mean side-project from my mates, yeah mates, I mean they give me a few bucks to works on their project, and yeah I need…
Migrasi Ke Server Baru
Selamat siang semua, terima kasih sudah mau mengikuti post saya, sekarang saya melakukan upgrade ke server saya sendiri, sehingga blog ini berpindah alamat ke Saya terus menerus akan memperbaiki tulisan yang saya tulis dan melakukan tata perbaikan pada tulisan saya. Terima kasih.