Benyamin Limanto

Just Random Thought from myself

Fix Fedora WPS Office Linux Error Export PDF

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Today I face problem with my libreoffice for propiertary .docx file, where I need to able to edit and export as the same as MS Word able to show. Sadly, I need to reinstall WPS Office in my Fedora work laptop.

I face problem when exporting the .docx into pdf, it show message “wps writer encounter an error while trying export to PDF”. Seems for a while a lot of user encountered same problem. In arch linux, you need to install libtiff and it just works. In Ubuntu, you have to do something else, you need to remap the to This also applied to RHEL/Fedora based distro.

So to able to export to PDF with WPS Office in Linux Fedora 36,37,38,39,40,41,42 (any fedora version), you should remap the libtiff, but as fedora lib folder is different from Ubuntu, here is the command

sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/

After that, you can close the rerun again the export to PDF with WPS office Linux. You can export is gracefully and with no error. This is quite frustating that WPS still in beta and still a lot of bugs left. But I hope WPS could, in the future bring the same layout of any MS Office documents like OnlyOffice (sadly export pdf partially works), and make me abandon my KVM Windows VM.


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