Benyamin Limanto

Just Random Thought from myself

Building Newer Spotify LPF Package when Newer Package Hasn’t landed Yet in Fedora

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LPF (Local Package Factory) is a great tool that really help in repackaging the apps that aren’t allowed to be redistributed as binary directly, and one of the case is closed source application, Spotify. I come across a question that I already have an old version of Spotify client, and I tried to upgrade it from 1.1.32 to 1.2.42. Sadly, the Debian package that need to be downloaded not available anymore in Spotify repository. So I tinker with new LPF spec and I wrote this as a note, that hopefully can help others. My interaction with the developer of the LPF package can be seen on

(NB: Not everyone fond of Spotify, but for me, in my country, Spotify helps the local artist and helps me “have” (read: rent) legitimate music and have it everywhere in simple platform at decent price. Any other things related to how Spotify works or their way of doing business are not discussed in this post.)

I just want to highlight that, I learn that we can replace the package from lpf-spotify-client that’s still in beta state into our local LPF spec directly by just copying the spec and rebuild the application, which is awesome. So, the question of how to do it? Well, the precondition is you need to have lpf and lpf-spotify-client installed. To make sure it’s installed, please run these command

sudo dnf install \$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm -y

sudo dnf install lpf lpf-spotify-client -y

Go to the github rpmfussion for lpf-spotify-client, and download the latest spotify-client.spec and put it into the /usr/share/lpf/packages/spotify-client/spotify-client.spec. If you can’t find the waiting version, you can check the tree of lpf-spotify-client github repo, and choose one with the latest version of spotify client. You can also check and see which debian package that’s available to be downloaded and repackaged into RPM file. In short, we can run these command

sudo curl -L -o /usr/share/lpf/packages/spotify-client/spotify-client.spec

sudo lpf update 

After that you only need to wait the spotify client rebuild, and it’s quite a while, and then you can have a good new fresh spotify version ready on your Fedora system. Some also suggest that we can use but sadly I tried that, and it require spotify-curl that’s not available in the repository of the owner, so I keep using lpf for now.

If you have problem when updating the package and got error, you can look on my post on where I tried to take the builded rpm and manually install it using rpm -ivh, but sometimes it’s still not clear enough, so you need to do remove the spotify client using dnf remove spotify-client and retry the installation. If you have any other problem, well you can comment below, let me see if I can give some help.

That’s all for today, thanks for reading. If you feel this is useful, please share to others. Fedora is awesome, and always be awesome!


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