Benyamin Limanto

Just Random Thought from myself

Install Driver Canon IP2870S di Fedora Linux 38

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Ini hanya catatan sederhana saja, untuk instalasi Driver Canon IP2870S atau seri IP2800 apapun. Saya catat karena di website Canon resmi untuk IP2870S tidak menyediakan Versi Linux, tapi ada Driver Linux IP2800.

Singkatnya download paket tar.gz driver dari Web Canon, untuk Debian bisa di download di (bonus saja, judulnya fedora). Untuk Fedora bisa download langsung di halaman, atau langsung ke link, untuk web archive backupnya ada di (saya archive takut kedepan filenya hilang).

Setelah download, extract ke lokasi /tmp/driver (bisa folder apapun, terserah). Selanjutnya bisa di lakukan adalah menjalankan terminal di folder driver, lalu jalankan ./ script.

Ikuti script sampai habis, contoh output dari script adalah

[ben@TP-X220 cnijfilter-ip2800series-4.10-1-rpm]$ sudo su
Swipe your finger across the fingerprint reader
[root@TP-X220 cnijfilter-ip2800series-4.10-1-rpm]# PS1='# '
# pwd
# ./ 

Canon Inkjet Printer Driver
Version 4.10
Copyright CANON INC. 2001-2014

Command executed = rpm -Uvh ./packages/cnijfilter-common-4.10-1.x86_64.rpm
Verifying...                                                          ################################# [100%]
Preparing...                                                          ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
   1:cnijfilter-common-4.10-1         ################################# [100%]
Command executed = rpm -Uvh ./packages/cnijfilter-ip2800series-4.10-1.x86_64.rpm
Verifying...                          ################################# [100%]
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
   1:cnijfilter-ip2800series-4.10-1   ################################# [100%]

#  Register Printer
Next, register the printer to the computer.
Connect the printer, and then turn on the power.
To use the printer on the network, connect the printer to the network.
When the printer is ready, press the Enter key.

Searching for printers...

#  Select Printer
Select the printer.
If the printer you want to use is not listed, select Update [0] to search again.
To cancel the process, enter [Q].
 0) Update
Target printers detected
1) Canon iP2800 series (//Canon/?port=usb&serial=22337F)
Currently selected:[1] Canon iP2800 series (//Canon/?port=usb&serial=22337F)
Enter the value. [1]

#  Register Printer
Enter the printer name.[IP2800]
Command executed = /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p IP2800 -P /usr/share/cups/model/canonip2800.ppd -v cnijbe://Canon/?port=usb&serial=22337F -E
lpadmin: Printer drivers are deprecated and will stop working in a future version of CUPS.

#  Set as Default Printer
Do you want to set this printer as the default printer?
Enter [y] for Yes or [n] for No.[y]

Installation has been completed.
Printer Name : IP2800
Select this printer name for printing.

Jangan lupa ketika install, harus aktifkan printer dan tancapkan ke komputer. Setelah berhasil, maka tools seperti clean head, test head, dan lain-lain nya, bisa dijalankan dengan system-config-printer, dan melakukan aksi masing-masing yang diperlukan.

Contoh Printter Settings dengan Linux RPM Driver IP2800

Saya memerlukan clean up head karena sering clogged….

Semoga catatan ini berguna bagi yang membutuhkan.


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