Trying dnf5 via copr on Fedora 36, 37, and 38. The newest dnf package manager that will land on Fedora 39

So, dnf4 will be replaced with dnf5 but not with python as the underlaying language, but using C++ as the underlying language. Python is well known for it’s easiness, but not as the performance when working on OS layer (some argue not, but majority of the code on C++ is faster, as it’s compiled, not…… Continue reading Trying dnf5 via copr on Fedora 36, 37, and 38. The newest dnf package manager that will land on Fedora 39

Stop Windows VM CPU usage while paused on QEMU Linux

I have a simple problem that I always face when using qemu on Linux with Windows VM. When it’s paused, the CPU usage kept racking up for no reason… Until… I found this thread on linux question So in simple term, we can pause the CPU usage on the qemu process after pausing the…… Continue reading Stop Windows VM CPU usage while paused on QEMU Linux

Membuat Mirror Local Fedora Repo dan mengarahkan Fedora menggunakan Mirror Local Tersebut

Mirror local fedora di Indonesia hanya ada 1, yaitu di, sangat sedih karena angkasa mirror memutuskan untuk memberhentikan support untuk fedora. Saya di kantor, memiliki fleet server fedora, untuk keperluan lab (uhuk, saya dosen, tapi kerja jadi apapun di kampus :/ jadi kaktus, jadi tukang bersih-bersih, ada ajalah..), yang berfungsi untuk production docker swarm…… Continue reading Membuat Mirror Local Fedora Repo dan mengarahkan Fedora menggunakan Mirror Local Tersebut