Benyamin Limanto

Just Random Thought from myself

Backup ASUS A43SV Driver Download Link

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Hello, this post will be in English, so don’t bother too much. This intended only as a backup Link for ASUS A43SV driver, which ASUS suddenly take down when migrating their site. The original link is I can’t access it since 2 weeks ago, I’m quite lucky to backup the driver. ASUS A43SV already reach 9-10 years old til this post is posted, but as I know for a machine the driver should be available for at least 15 years before taken down. I never seen other vendor like ASUS take down driver before it reach 15 years of its first launch. This’s really bother me, but as a consumer, I can’t argue much, since vendor like ASUS only support a device only for 4 years and they intend to make us change device(laptop, smartphone, even desktop, I dunno why) for each 4 years, beyond that they reject any device repair or such on service center level, at least in Indonesia. I could bring it to any local independent repair shop luckily and they say they still support it, so I’m quite lucky.

I don’t think this applied to other brand like Dell, HP, Lenovo/Thinkpad, or even Axioo or Zyrex (Local brand in Indonesia). So this post also a rant about how ASUS do apply other business standard that deviated from the industry standard. To the point. the link for the driver and BIOS backup is I just hope Google Drive also not put it down, and I hope it last for year to come. I still use A43SV for my daily driver, and it’s already 10 years now, still strong, could stand about 2 hours of usage which is okay, but less by today standard. Anyway I hope we could advocate any computer brand especially ASUS, about their business practice, please follow Industry standard, by providing 15 years of driver support and you can take it down beyond that, because nowdays laptop is still powerful enough for year to come!

I still develop heavy application using C#, Flutter, Ionic, or NodeJS on this A43SV even I run lastest Windows 20H2 without any hiccup til I wrote this post(and year to come), so as my point of view this laptop still capable at least 5 years more. What ASUS did really break my heart. Anyway for anyone seeing this, you could share it to anyone that need this driver too. I hope it help people that need A43SV drivers. Thank you.


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